Men $54

Winner of this package will be able to choose one of the following options:

OPTION A: Sefer Tehillim on Klaf
The timeless songs of Dovid Hamelech come alive in beautiful ksav yad inscribed on real parchment. Win a lofty and unique upgrade to your classic Sefer Tehillim.
Sponsored by Gabba Goods

OPTION B: Iconic Rolex Timepiece
Maximize every moment with the rich and timeless Men’s Rolex Datejust 41mm, valued at $16,000. A true statement piece with full set and warranty included.
Sponsored by the Melmed Family 
לע”נ ר’ פסח בן ר’ ברוך ע”ה 
ורחל בת ר’ מנחם מאניס ע”ה 

OPTION C: Rosh Hashana in Uman
Elevate your pilgrimage to Rebbe Nachman with business class travel for two and fine hotel stay. It’s the gift that keeps on giving with blessing and inspiration to last a lifetime.
לע”נ ר’ שמואל זיינוויל בן ר’ יוסף ברוך ע”ה 
וחנה מלכה בת ר’ נפתלי ע”ה 
ור’ שמחה משה בן ר’ שלמה ע”ה 
ורבקה בת ר’ מנחם מנדל הלוי  ע”ה 
ור’ יצחק בן מענדל הלוי ע”ה 
ואידסי בת ר’ שמואל משה הלוי ע”ה 
ור’ יהודה שמואל בן  ר’ נחום ליפא ע”ה

OPTION D: Silver Ka’arah Fit for a King
Grace your Seder table with a radiant silver Ka’arah valued up to $16,000. Choose from the legendary selection at Heritage Silver, the leader in unique and timeless sterling Judaica.
לע”נ ר’ דוד בן ר’ נפתלי הירץ ע”ה 
וגיטל שרה עטיל בת ר’ אלעזר הלוי ע”ה 
ור’ נפתלי בן ר’ מנחם מענדעל ע”ה 
ולזכות אברהם יעקב בן חי’ שרה ונחמה מלכה בת חי’ שרה ורבקה לאה בת חי’ שרה לזיווג הגון

OPTION E: 2025 Sienna Hybrid Lease
Win a 2-year lease on the ultimate family vehicle. The all-new 2025 Toyota Sienna features a roomy interior with 8 seats, vast cargo space and top safety ratings. Plus, save thousands in fuel with a hybrid engine.
This prize is sponsored by 
Avri and Mirra Gross

OPTION F: Bitcoin Mining Set
Discover the treasure of mining bitcoin from the comfort of your own home. Become the owner of specialized mining equipment and sit back while your machine mines for treasure...and you reap the block rewards.
With gratitude to an anonymous donor from New Hempstead, NY, for sponsoring this prize