OPTION A: Sukkos Like a Gvir
Celebrate Sukkos with a fully-loaded Yom Tov package gifted to you. Get top-tier Arba Minim, silver Esrog box, Sukkah setup, wine, jewelry for your wife and gifts for the kids.
Dedicated by Zev and Chanie Fonfeder
in memory of their beloved grandmother, רבקה בת ר’ שרגא צבי ע”ה.
OPTION B: Smile Makeover
Snag $8,000 in dental treatments that restore your smile and upgrade your health. Includes dental, orthodontic or cosmetic dentistry — whatever you need to brighten your smile.
לע”נ פריידא בת ר’ ברוך ע”ה
May her neshama have an aliyah
OPTION C: Trace Your Family Lineage
Embark on an eye-opening journey to uncover your family history with the help of a geonology expert. Get in-depth research results and a framed family tree to display in your home.
Sponsored by Albert and Rachel Pardo
in loving memory of Marilyn Falack, מזל בת רחל ע”ה
OPTION D: Shabbos HaGadol Getaway
Preserve your sanity through the pre-Pesach rush with a lavish Shabbos HaGadol getaway. Get wined and dined with gourmet meals and luxurious accommodations for your entire family.
Sponsored by Dovid and Sarala Lefkowitz, Baltimore, MD,
in honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Shaul Rosen: Treasuring your friendship, our nachas is your nachas.
OPTION E: Sapporo Snow Festival Vacation
Take off to Sapporo, Japan for the 75th annual snow festival, where winter sports, snow sculptures and hot springs make for a unique vacation destination. Prize includes tickets for two and luxury hotel stay.
נתנדב לזכות נחת מכל יוצ”ח
OPTION F: Split Unit Full-Home Cooling
Upgrade temperature control throughout your home with new split AC units in every room. This ductless system will get you better energy efficiency, less invasive installation, and more versatile temp control than any other HVAC system.
לע”נ ר’ אברהם יצחק בן ר’ שמואל שלמה
ור’ עובדיה בן ר’ חיים דוד ע”ה