OPTION A: Private Jet Getaway
Why fly commercial when you can fly like a VIP? Choose any destination in the U.S. and travel round-trip by private jet with your entire family - in spacious luxury and style.
Dedicated by Elyse and Michael Heino
לע”נ בילא בת ר’ משה ע”ה
OPTION B: Your Residence in Kerestir
Own a home at the holy doorstep of R’ Shayala’s legendary hospitality and blessings. Located in the scenic mountains of Kerestir, Hungary, you can dwell in the shadow of the holy tzaddik all year round.
Prize Dedicated
לע”נ יוטא בת ר’ זלמן מרדכי ע”ה
ולע”נ חי’ לאה בת ר’ אהרן הכהן ע”ה
ולע”נ מאשא בת ר’ שאול חבל ע”ה
ולע”נ רבקה בת ר’ אברהם ע”ה
OPTION C: Priceless Sefer Torah
Celebrate the joy of Torah with this prize of infinite value. Win a new Sefer Torah written by an expert Sofer Yirei Shamayim from Eretz Yisrael and bequeath your Torah legacy for generations.
Prize Dedicated
לע”נ ר’ אברהם בן ר’ אשר ענזיל ע”ה
ור’ מאיר שמאי בן ר’ אבא משה ע”ה
OPTION D: Truck of the Future
Get a 2-year lease on the futuristic Cybertruck all-terrain, supercharging electric vehicle. With the handling of a sports car, the hauling capacity of a truck, and a cabin as quiet as outer space, this truck is a fantasy come to life.
Sponsored by Three Pillar Communities
OPTION E: Experience Sukkos in Yerushalayim
Bring your entire family to the heart of Yerushalayim for a Yom Tov that uplifts and inspires. Get 8 tickets to Eretz Yisrael and a beautiful apartment with a Sukkah in Geulah.
Sponsored by Chesky and Naomi Newman
לע”נ ר’ עקיבא מנחם בן ר’ אברהם ע”ה
OPTION F: Kitchen of your Dreams
Transform the heart of your home with a new custom-designed kitchen featuring high-quality wood cabinets and granite countertops. Includes expert design and installation. Value: $36,000
Prize donated by Scott and Aviva Miller, NYC
In great appreciation for the tireless and invaluable work of ATIME and especially Brany Rosen and Rabbi Koenig